Motrona - DS 250

Model Types

DS 250  2 inctemental inputs, 4 x 2 control outputs push-pull, analogue output
DS 260 1 incremental input, 4 x 2 control outputs push-pull, analogue output


  • SIL3 and PLe certification
  • Safety functions equivalent to EN 61800-5-2
    (SS1, SS2, SOS, SLS, SDl, SSM, SLI, SBC, STO, SMS)
  • 2 incremental encoder inputs with format A, /A, B, /B, Z, /Z
    [HTL differencial, HTL single ended, RS422]
  • 8 control inputs [HTL / PNP]
  • Input frequency up to 500 kHz
  • 2 relay outputs 5... 250 VAC / VDC (NO)
  • 4 x 2 control outputs with push-pull characteristic, short-circuit-proof,
    [HTL], antivalent or equivalent redundant or simply used
  • Safety related 14 bit analog output for 4 ... 20 mA (scalable)
  • Signal splitter
  • Power supply 18 ... 30 V
  • Wire monitoring of the sensor signals
  • Compact housing for 35 mm mounting top hat rail
    (according to EN 60715)
  • USB interface in combination with the user interface OS6.0 for the parameterization of the safety speed monitor
  • BG200 operator panel for easy parameterization and display (optional)


Power Supply  18VDC - 30VDC 
 Ripple ≥ 10% @ 24VDC 
 Current consumption approx. 150mA @ 24 VDC 
 Aux. Output for encoder supply 5V max. 200mA 
 Inputs Control 1/2

Ri = 3.9 kOhms, Low < 2.5V, HIGH > 10V (max. 30V)

minumum duration of dynamic signals: 50 µsec.

minumum duration of static singals: 2 msec. 

 Encoder inputs

Symmetric differential sin/cos - input (sin+, sin-, cos+, cos), Signal level 0.8 Vpp - 1.2 Vpp, Singal offset approx. 2 - 3V to GND 

 Input Frequency 


 Analogue Output

±10V, max. 2mA

0 - 20mA, 4 - 20 mA (load: max 270 Ohm)

Resolution 14 bits, accuracy 0.1%

Settling time approx. 200us

Step response = 2 x sampling time + 200us 

 Relays (DZ260 and DZ267 only) Dry change-over contracts, switching capability 30V / 2A DC or 125V / 0.6A AC or 230V / 0.3A AC Response time approx. 4msec.  
Transistor Outputs (DZ 261 and DZ269 only)   3 fast, short-circuit-proof PNP-outputs 5-30V, 350 mA, response time < 1 msec.
 Serial interface RS232 / 2400 - 38400 Bauds