Motrona - PR210 Parallel Data to Serial RS-232/485 Converts Parallel Data (BCD, Binary, Gray) to Serial Data RS-232/485

Model Numbers

PR210 Converter from Parallel Data (BCD, Binary, Gray) to Serial Data (RS 232/485)


  • Parallel data input (5 decades BCD or 20 bit binary or Gray) 
  • Serial RS232/RS485 interface for readout of the parallel data by means of a PC or PLC or other controls
  • This converter is ideal for combinations with other motrona units in order to accomplish display of parallel data or conversion to other formats like analogue or PROFIBUS etc. 
  • 10-30 VDC power supply, compact and slim housing for DIN rail mounting
  • Four status outputs for transmission control and error indication 
  • Serial RS232 and RS485 interface operating at rates from 4800 to 38,400 bauds
  • Select inputs for serial transmissions to eight different target units


MODEL  Inputs  Outputs 

20bits BCD or 16 bits binary, Low <3 V, High >10 V Input current approx. 1 mA per line

4 outputs, short-circuit-proof *) (PNP, switching to Com+ ) Switching voltage 7-30V

Max. switching current 350 mA each output